The Garden of Privatised Delights, British Pavilion by Manijeh Verghese and Madeleine Kessler

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Manijeh Verghese, Madeleine Kessler.
Sevra Davis, Director Architecture Design Fashion at British Council.
22 May – 21 Nov 2021.
British Pavilion, Giardini di Castello 30122, Venice.

Unscene Architecture.- Manijeh Verghese, Madeleine Kessler

Unscene Architecture was founded by Manijeh Verghese and Madeleine Kessler in 2019. Manijeh Verghese and Madeleine Kessler have worked together on summer school units, workshops and masterclasses on architecture across the UK over the past six years.

Manijeh Verghese is Head of Public Programmes and Exhibitions at the Architectural Association. She is also a Unit Master of AA Diploma 12, seminar leader for the Professional Practice for Fifth Year course and editor of the website AA Conversations. She is an architecture writer and educator. From 2015 to 2018, she led a postgraduate design studio at Oxford Brookes University. She has worked for architecture practices including John Pawson and Foster + Partners, and has contributed to design publications such as Disegno and Icon, as well as think-tanks, books and peer reviewed journals.

Madeleine Kessler is an Associate Architect at Haptic Architects, where she leads and contributes to international research visits, open-panel discussions, and events for the collaborative research programme Londonon. Previously she worked on cultural projects at Haworth Tompkins, HHF and Studio Weave. Madeleine sits on the National Infrastructure Commission’s Young Professionals Panel and teaches and gives lectures at universities that have included the AA, the University of Sheffield and the University of London. She is shortlisted for BD’s 2019 Female Architectural Leader of the Year Award.



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