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The Garden Housing project is a housing development designed by Nunzio Sciveres y Giuseppe Gurrieri in the city of Marina Di Ragusa, Italy, with a total of 4 typologies where each one adapts to the context independently., full_html
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Garden Housing by Nunzio Sciveres and Giuseppe Gurrieri. Photograph by Filippo Poli
Following over two years of planning and construction, the Miami Design District has welcomed the Museum Garage to its city fabric. Terence Riley, of K/R Architect, led the concept of the ambitious project, which drew from Exquisite Corpse, a…
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Miami Museum Garage by WORKac, Nicolas Buffe, Clavel Arquitectos, K/R and J. MAYER. H. Photograph by Miguel de Guzman. Imagen Subliminal
Heidi Weber contacted Le Corbusier in 1960 for the construction of a museum that would collect his works of art, his tapestries, furniture and books in order to create an exhibition hall that would promote the architect's works., full_html
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Maison d'Homme by Le Corbusier. Photograph © Jose Juan Barba
Gengahr have shared a beautiful music video for “I’ll Be Waiting” from their album 'Where Wildness Grows' after his debut in 2015 with 'A Dream Outside'. , full_html
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'I’ll Be Waiting' by Gengahr
After winning the Municipality of Rome's invite-only competition in 2007, architects Maria Claudia Clemente and Francesco Isidori of Labics revitalized a former bus depot at the edge of town into a mixed-use complex called the Città del Sole, or “…
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Citta del Sole in Rome, designed by Labics Studio. The project comprises a library and residential, office, retail, parking and public space. Photograph © Marco Cappelletti
The Civic Center for Peace is a training and support center for children and young people in situations of social vulnerability located in the city of Cartago, Costa Rica., full_html
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Civic Center for Peace by Norte Sur Arquitectos. Photograph by Fernando Alda
In a small town south of Bratislava, Jarovce, the commissioning of a family home in its residential area and with the explicit request for its development on one floor results in the project "The family house", which manages to combine the premises…
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Family House Jarovce by Compass Architekti. Photograph by ®BoysPlayNice
The site locates in the join point of several village paths, providing a public space with covering for villagers, where bamboo is the main material. , full_html
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Night scene with bamboo grove. Village Lounge of Shangcun by SUP Atelier. Photograph by Xia Zhi
It combines massive construction of concrete embedded in the ground with prefabricated and lightweight elements slightly separated from the ground. This is the proposal for a single-family house in Mano de Santo. , full_html
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El bosque 161, a single-family housing project by Mano de Santo. Photograph by Diego Opazo
St. Louis is celebrating the grand reopening of the Gateway Arch. , full_html
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The materiality of the new West Entry Plaza of the Museum embraces the visitor in an arc of sky and the surrounding landscape, reflected by the diffused scrim of stainless steel screen walls. The tilt of this reflection references the Arch itself, intuitively leading visitors from the Plaza exterior into the Museum’s glassed-in entry volumes. Photograph by Nic Lehoux