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Ivorypress Art + Books Space I will be hosting an exhibition of John Gerrard (Dublin, 1974) from 7 February until April the second 2011. This multidisciplinary artist's work combines new technologies with photography and poetic language, while also…
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Oil Stick Work (Angelo Martinez, Richfield, Kansas), 2008, 2010 by John Gerrard. 2010, installation view, Art on the Underground, Canary Wharf Station, London, UK
The architecture and art of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920 and 1930 in a major exhibition at Caixa Forum Barcelona. An exhibition of Russian avant-garde Caixafòrum denouncing the Soviet abandonment of buildings. , full_html
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Richard Par, Shabolovka Radio Tower, 1998
This year Amsterdam International Fashion Week held a lot of surprises for the spectators that couldn’t believe their eyes when OAT shoes presented their Virgin collection, consisting of shoes that are absolutely biodegradable. After using them for…
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Architect Kate Orff sees the oyster as an agent of urban change. Bundled into beds and sunk into city rivers, oysters slurp up pollution and make legendarily dirty waters clean -- thus driving even more innovation in "oyster-tecture." Orff shares…
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Last November during the sesquicentennial celebration of the adoption of the Pla Cerdà, Manuel Gausa presented his work and research of the possibilities for the expansions in Barcelona and Genova and their respective abilitie to redefine green. ,…
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WWF and AMO launch groundbreaking report describing a world 100% reliant on renewable energy by 2050. The Energy Report, a comprehensive study developed by the WWF, AMO and Ecofys claiming that the world can be 100 percent reliant on renewable…
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WWF and AMO, a world 100% reliant on renewable energy by 2050
Located in the Prater Street 30-32, this building by PLANT - Atelier Peter Kis is a fine example of public housing and integration with its surrounding context while attaining regulatory demands from the municipality. It gives the project and its…
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Make your products live longer; things should be designed so that they can be repaired; repaired things are unique... These are some of the ideas covered in the Repair Manifesto, a declaration of intentions put in motion by the collective Platform=…
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If you're a designer and one of your goals is that everyone can admire and purchase your work, eta is your big chance. ARCO Madrid, the main contemporary art fair presents I Design Competition. Your Heineken. , full_html
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The Urban Nomad Film Fest is now accepting entries for its TENTH annual festival, to take place in Taipei, Taiwan starting in early May 2011, to be followed by touring dates to other cities in Taiwan. This year will continue to combine the world's…
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