Chupan Chupai in a 12-minute version for the Future Perfect exhibition was exhibit as part of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale in the Museu da Eletricidade from the 12th September until the 15th December. The Lisbon Architecture Triennale continues until 15 December.
Based on a short story by Tim Maly.
Produced by Liam Young.
Filmed on location in India by.- Jonathan Gales, Paul Nicholls, Liam Young, Tushar Prakash. Indian Producer – Tushar Prakash. Composer – Mark Sayfritz. Sound Design – Ana Roman. Fixer – Harry Singh.
CAST.- Maya – Noshine Banu // Aya – Shahine Banu // Amit – Mustaraf Khan // Guardian to cast – Rafique Mohammad (Pamna) // Post- Production by Factory Fifteen. VFX / 3D Artists / Compositing.- Jonathan Gales. Paul Nicholls. Arkin Esref. Alexey Marfin. Matt Townsend. Chris Glew. Tracking.- Tom Carter. Kibwe Tavares. Interns. Mond Qu. Alessandro Mimiola.
Special Thanks.- Manisha Prakash. Ian Forber-Pratt. Foster Care India. Claire Pepper. Ravi Amaratunga. Lisbon Architecture Trienale 2013.