Gran Canary Arena by LLPS Architects

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Llps arquitectos. Architects.- Eduardo Pérez Gómez, Miguel Ángel Sánchez García.
Project team
Juan Llorente Orejas, Anja Lunge, María Carbonero, Marta López, Esther González.
Structure.- NB35 Estructuras. Jesús Jiménez Cañas.
MEP.- GEASYT Ingenieros. Gustavo Álvarez Álvarez.
Measurement.- José Vecino Morales.
Concrete advisor.- ARC CONCRETE. Francisco Xavier Regás.
Acoustic consultant.- Javier Mestre.
Consultants construction.- Structure: Fhecor Ingenieros Consultores;
MEP: JG  Ingenieros;
Concrete advisor: ARC CONCRETE. Francisco Xavier Regás.
Building.- Structure: UTE TYPSA Ingeniería; Installation: UTE TYPSA Ingeniería.
Technical Assistance Projects.- Arquitectura Local: ACH Arquitectos, Juan Carlos Cabrera; Ingeniería y ejecución de obra: EUROESTUDIOS, Jorge Aracil.
Construction.- UTE COMSA-SANDO-SATOCAN-PRECONTE: Roberta Salas Isequillas (UTE Manager), José Manuel Pérez Álvarez (Technical Director), José Mercado (Head work).
Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria; Sports Council of Spain; Canary Islands Government.
Site area 51,118.00 sqm.
International competition.- June 2002.
Basic project.- March 2010.
Project execution.- June 2010.
Modified project.- July 2010.
Construction date.- September 2011.
Completed construction.- March 2014.
Portion A-Ciudad Deportiva de SG-13, "Ciudad Deportiva Siete Palmas", Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
€ 67,831,904.00

Miguel Ángel Sánchez García, Eduardo Pérez Gómez. LLPS Arquitectos

LLPS ARQUITECTOS is an architecture study composed of the partners Eduardo Pérez Gómez and Miguel Ángel Sánchez García. Miguel Ángel Sánchez García is an architect from the Architecture Polytechnic of Madrid. Eduardo Pérez Gómez is an Architect from the Architecture Polytechnic of Madrid and a Design Associate Professor.

They have been guest professors and have imparted conferences at the Universities of Harvard (EEUU), the Polytechnic of Milan (Italy), the University of Nairobi (Kenya) and the University of Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) and others on a Spanish national level. Their work has been awarded eleven first prizes, among those; four on an international level stand out: the Multi-Purpose Palace of Gran Canary, the Psychology Faculty of Malaga, and recently the Intermodal Railway and Buses Complex, as well as the International Exhibition of the Spanish Pavilion in the Venice Biennial of Architecture in 2000.

They have developed works in different areas and programs, it should be pointed out: the Spots and Multi-Purpose Palace of Gran Canary, the Third-Commercial Hybrid Complex in Madrid, the Social Centre of Almoguea, a Block of social, private and single-family flats on a national level, as well as third and industrial Complex in developing areas. Their work has been displayed in many countries such as EEUU, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and France.




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