The Arquia Foundation has just published its video book number 40. With it, the filming of the congress and debates of Anyway is recovered, at the CCCB of Barcelona on June 4, 5 and 6, 1993…
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ANYWAY CONGRESS. The city of the cities, by José Juan Barba
It is not the same to draw a landscape observing it and representing it in situ than to imagine it using drawing as a creative tool. Nor is…
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In Spanish. Cover. Drawing for Landscape Architecture by Edward Hutchison
How much house do we need? It is an always ambiguous question, not always easy to answer and often instrumentally demagogically.

In this case the book edited by Gustavo Gili, ends its introduction with a phrase also controversial: How…
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Cover. How Much House? Thoreau, Le Corbusier and the Sustainable Cabin
The third issue of MOMENTUM, Limited Frameworks, pretends to revisit the concept of limit through 13 different insights.

After their first issue entitled…
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Cover. Momentum III. Limited Frameworks
From cosmic charts and da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man to the New York subway map, History of Information Graphics, is XL compendium, that traces the history of visual data from the Middle Ages to the digital era.

Featuring some 400…
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Cover History of Information Graphics
The publishing house Gustavo Gili publishes this interesting book written by Gilles Clément, of which the publishing house has already published several books:…
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Cover of "Una breve historia del jardín" by Gilles Clément
Gustavo Gili continues to increase his collection "GGPerfiles" with new titles, this time dedicated to Jane Jacobs. A small and interesting publication that…
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Cover of "Cuatro entrevistas", a book by Jane Jacobs
This year, in the fifth edition of Open House, the architect Miguel Fisac is the leading figure. Between today and tomorrow the public…
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"Miguel Fisac. Fotografías". Cover
The photographer Benedict Redgrove has taken photographs of numerous artefacts within the NASA archive. To mark the 50th anniversary of the…
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NASA – Past and present dreams of the future by Benedict Redgrove