His installation, designed specifically for the space Moneo Brock, is a display of all levels of a house, the rooms, corners, ceilings, floors, the artist blurs in a single plane to reproduce a house inspired by conversations with architects.
The exhibition starts on February 25th. The inauguration will be held on February 27th and runs until March 27th.
Isidoro Blasco's installations, being a kind of replica to an almost original scale, allow the viewer to literally access them and live the everyday environment aided by sound and video that introduced the artist. Then, when you leave, the viewer's relationship to its surroundings often change. "People who see my work tells me when they have left the exhibition that they were walking down the street and seeing the environment in the same way I represent," said the artist, who has exhibited at the Reina Sofía, among others museums. His latest exhibition, 'INTERVENTIONS II', took place in Hudson last January.
Description of the project by Isidro Blasco
My work recreates the architectural space of the whole or a particular section of the build space according to a subjective perception of this environment.
Along the shores of Elliot Bay in Seattle, USA, used to be row upon row of very simple wooden structures. These dwellings, which were built by Seattle's immigrant workers, are emblematic of its workers' history. We built a model house with the same number of windows and doors as this typical house and used it as the starting place for this installation _CASA EN LINEA.
I do think that the physical spatial experiences that occur in a very specific place; can be replicated in a different time and perceived by a different person.
In the process of creating our response to the basic elements of this architecture, we begin by selecting several angles or ‘views’ of the inside of the model house. We take photographs of these angles, and then construct a new space from the perspective of that vantage point. The resulting effect is a fragmentation of several single lines of sight. The three dimensional structures that will come out of this process will result in a linear succession of multiple angles, producing a space that is at once recognizable of the original house and at the same time entirely new.
Variations in perception and the way we look at the space that surrounds us are the central themes of this work.
Text.- Isidro Blasco.
About Isidro Blasco
He is an artist who combines his work in photography, architecture and sculpture to create spaces that reproduce daily life. It has been said about him that their projects are reminiscent of Cubist and Constructivist solutions.
This artist, who spends much of his life in New York, start by photographing the houses, rooms in which he has lived or worked, those places with which he has established a special intimacy. Then, working with a succession of images, which cuts, joins and separates, so that he achieves an effect in three dimensions, the reconstruction of stay in another context almost full scale. The result is a wooden installations, from their experiences to live them, are used to reflect on the environment, on emptiness and space, fundamental issues that concern this artist.
About _2B
_2B (Space to be) is an exhibition space in our architecture studio MO NE O BR O CK in the neighborhood of Prosperity, in Madrid. It is a hybrid and multidisciplinary space where there may be exhibitions, screenings, performances, installations, workshops, lectures and meetings.
The relaxed nature of space allows artists to freedom in proposing the type of work and can mix different disciplines in all formats and events. This allows us to take the pulse of the current situation and decide flexibly the program to follow. In this way we can accommodate a wider range of proposals.
Throughout this year we exposed to Valentin Vallhonrat, Prudencio Irazábal, Gabriel Perezzan, Fernando Lasaga and Narelle Jubelin. During 2015 Arco welcome Isidro Blasco a specific installation.
Dates.- 25th February to 27th March 2015.
Venue.- Moneo Brock Studio. Benigno Soto St. 14, left local, Madrid, Spain.