- Naos offers from eight o'clock there will be a short concert of Cello.
In addition, throughout the day Naos offers a 10% discount on all books.
- La Fábrica offers a range of activities starting at 20.30 h. starting with a new Tertulia Eñe which will involve the writer Vanessa Montfort. In the gathering will present the number 25 of the magazine entitled "Por favor un gin tonic. Historias de bares." (Please a gin and tonic. Stories bars.)
Then, at 21.30 h. and thanks to No. 3 London Dry Gin, is hosting a tasting of gin and tonics accompanied by a musical performance luxury: Penny Necklace acoustic group. In addition, throughout the day The Library of Factory offers a 10% discount on all books.
- In the GLORIA Gallery from 17.30 h the following activities:
Stand "El falsificador"
Collage Workshop "Weird International Collage Show- Madrid Workshop"
Euripidis Sabatis: concert and presentation of his latest book published by Morsa.