Thirteen teams of architects participated in the call, in which the First Prize (winner) of € 20,000 with the motto 1878-1880 went to the GVG, architecture studio, consisting of Daniel Galar Irure, Josecho Vélez Ballesteros and Javier Gil Ayesa, who propose to recover the original spirit of the station understood as a complex of buildings, infrastructure and activity, as well as to enhance its urban and social capacities.
In addition, three accésits have been awarded:
First runner-up of € 10,000 with the motto, Machine Gallery corresponds to the team consisting of:
In addition, three accésits have been awarded:
First runner-up of € 10,000 with the motto, Machine Gallery corresponds to the team consisting of:
• AGI Architects Spain sl
• CSD3 Arquitectos slp
• CSD3 Arquitectos slp
Second runner-up of € 3,000 with the motto, Versatility corresponds to the team consisting of:
• Junquera Arquitectos slp
Third runner-up of € 3,000 with the motto, Change of track corresponds to the team consisting of:
• Frade arquitectos sl
• Estudio Álvarez-Sala slp
• José Joaquín Lizasoain Urcola
• Estudio Álvarez-Sala slp
• José Joaquín Lizasoain Urcola
The winning team will be in charge of preparing the execution project and also assuming the optional management of the works.
"The Jury values the respectful approach to the building in the existing spatial, constructive and operational aspects, singling out the intervention with elements that do not break its architectural qualities, and resulting in a synthetic, clear and orderly solution."
The assessment has been carried out by the members of the jury appointed on the proposal of Adif, the Spanish Railways Foundation, the Madrid College of Architects, the Madrid City Council, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Agenda itself Urban. Its members include relevant figures from the world of architecture, such as Víctor López Cotelo and Iñaki Ábalos Vázquez.
Intervention process at the Delicias station.
The whole of the proposal is divided into phases. After the transfer of the Library and the Archive, the museum refurbishment of the old station passenger building will begin, with the rehabilitation of roofs, structure and facades, the transformation of the lobby, and a new access and exterior urbanization works.
In the next phase, the restoration and structural and constructive consolidation of the canopy of the Central Nave and the museum refurbishments that require the transfer or protection of the exposed historical vehicles, the restoration of the covering, the main roof structure and facades and works will be undertaken. urban development on the north and south facades.
The last phases are destined to the restoration of the interior and exterior facades and the covers of the lateral bodies of the passenger building, to finish with the conditioning of the area reserved for complementary uses to the Museum.
The project has an urban regeneration aspect in the surroundings of the station, which is specified in the creation of a walkable boulevard on the access roads, cleared of vehicles and the creation of new buildings for exhibition, workshop and storage.